About the Journal

Aims and scope

Journal of Urdu and Regional Languages (JOURL) aims to provide a forum for the researchers, academicians, professionals and students to share their knowledge with the others in the form of good quality research papers from all over the world in Urdu language. Journal of Urdu and Regional Languages focus the literary research and modern trends of literary criticism in the subject of Urdu language and literature and in the literature of Regional languages of Gilgit-Baltistan. The Journal of Urdu and Regional Languages play a significant role in developing indigenous research approaches that consequently will help to improve the impact of research and criticism on society.  The Journal of Urdu and Regional Languages commit to publish the wide range of new topics of research on single important criterion that is literary and critical excellence.

Ethical Policy

Rules for Editorial Board

  1. Editorial board is responsible to maintain the quality of the journal. Before and after blind peer review process of every paper keeping in view the publishing policy of Journal of Urdu and Regional Languages.
  2. It is editorial board job to check plagiarism of every paper before access of review.
  3. Editor provide corrigendum for any correction, clarification and apologies when required.
  4. Editor ensures smooth functioning of the journal and conduction the editorial board meeting on regular basis.
  5. Editor disregard the discriminating factors e.g. gender, race, ethnicity, religious belief, cultural sentiments, political affiliation, seniority and / or institutional association of the author while selecting articles for publication.
  6. Editor try to promptly respond to the author of the paper submitted for publishing, for any query.
  7. Editor does not edit any submitted paper, which have any conflict of interest. He / She is responsible to ask the reviewers / evaluators also for disclosing any conflict of interest regarding the submitted research paper to ensure the impartiality.
  8. Editor ensure the confidentiality of the content of manuscript prior to publishing at his and reviewer’s end.

For Authors

  1. An author (principal) is the person who has significantly authored the research paper. One who has contributed at some extent or helped the author in write up does not be the author.
  2. Someone who has contributed particularly in any design, analysis etc is credited as co-author.
  3. Author is fully responsible for the presented study.
  4. It is author’s responsibility to ensure that the research paper and data contain adequate detail and references to the sources of information in order to allow others to reproduce the results. Fraudulent or knowingly inaccurate statements constitute unethical behavior and are unacceptable.
  5. Author is required to provide an undertaking stating that the submitted manuscript contains solely his original work and no material has been copied without reference from anywhere. If someone co-authors the paper then his contribution should be explicitly stated in that undertaking.
  6. Article once submitted by the author to the journal will not be submitted to any other journal till the time he would have been conveyed about rejection from the editor side. Concurrent submission of the same manuscript to more than one journal is unethical publishing behavior and unacceptable.
  7. If any question arises about the accuracy or validity of the research work during the review process, the author will provide data to the editor.
  8. The author will disclose any conflict of interest at the earliest possible state keeping in view the editorial and advisory board, employment, consultancies, honoraria, patent applications / registrations, grants or other funding.
  9. Author is supposed to allow the journal while submitting the paper to reserve the right to circulate the article.
  10. Author is supposed to bind with journal’s policy when submitting a paper to the journal of Urdu and Regional Languages.

Review Policy

For Editor

  1. The review process is double blind review process. This can be last between 8-10 weeks or longer. In case of rejection of article, the author reserves the right to publish the article elsewhere. In case of revisions, the author will must provide an exposition of all correction made in the manuscript.
  2. Journal of Urdu and Regional Languages follow the double blind peer review policy. Under this policy, the editor removes the name of the author before sending an article to the reviewers. Likewise, the name of the reviewer is never revealed before the author or any other in any case. Very dynamic and well-read scholars, researchers and renowned literary figures are added in review panel to review the papers.

For Reviewer

  1. Reviewers accepting to review a research paper have an ethical responsibility to complete this assignment professionally.
  2. The reviewer will immediately inform the editor if he does not have the subject expertise required to carry out the review.
  3. The reviewer is responsible to act punctually and submit review report on time. He will immediately inform the editor of any possible delays.
  4. The data included in the research paper is confidential and the reviewer is not allowed using it for his/her personal study or any other academic or professional purpose.
  5. The reviewer considers the research paper as a confidential document. He / She will not discuss its content on any platform except in cases where professional advice is being sought with the authorization of the editor. He / She are bind not to disclose the details of any research paper prior to its publication without the prior approval of the editor.
  6. The reviewer must declare any conflicting interests (e.g Personal, financial, intellectual, professional, political or religious). He / She will declare if the research paper under review is the same as to his / her conducted study.
  7. The review will be honest enough to declare if he / she are biased at any level towards manuscript submitted.
  8. The reviewer will justifiably criticize a manuscript but it would be inappropriate to resort to personal criticism on the author. He / She are supposed to objectively carry out the review with a consideration of high academic, scholarly and scientific standards.
  9. The reviewer will brought into the editor’s notice, if the research paper is based on any previous research study or is replica of an earlier work, or the work is plagiarized. Moreover of the reviewer suspects the given results to be untrue / unrealistic / fake, or there has been an indication of violating ethical norms in the treatment of human beings (e.g. children, female, poor people, disabled, elderly, etc), all these points should also be indentified to the editor.
  10. Prescribed evaluation Performa is given to the reviewers from the editor and they are supposed to share their comments on that form.
  11. The editor consider reviewer’s comments and may sent the paper to someone else for another opinion or send it back to the author for revision before making any decision. But it is very clear that the final decision about publishing a research paper (either accept or reject) is solely rest with the editor.
  12. A reviewer cannot challenge the decision of the editor at any forum.

Publishing Policy

  1. Journal of Urdu and Regional Languages is published bi-annual and in Urdu Language. Its first issue comes in January-June and second in July - December.
  2. Journal of Urdu and Regional Languages published online.
  3. Maximum fifteen research papers are published in one issue. This obligation is adopted as per HEC guidelines for research journals and may change according to the directions of HEC.
  4. Research papers, not written/composed as per the guidelines for author given at the journal website, are not be entertained for further process.

Plagiarism Policy

By submitting manuscript to the Journal of Urdu and Regional Languages, it is understood that it is an original manuscript, unpublished work and is not submitted elsewhere. Plagiarism, including duplicate publication of the author’s own work, in whole or in part without proper citation is not tolerated by the journal. Plagiarism appears in various forms such as copying the same content from the other source; most commonly from internet, copying elements of another author’s paper such as figures, tables or illustrations that cannot be considered as common knowledge.

Self- plagiarism is also not allowed. Journal of Urdu and Regional Languages define self-plagiarism as the intentional or unintentional reuse of one’s own copyrighted work without citing the original source. However, this policy is not applied to the manuscript presented in any conference proceeding from the author’s side.

Plagiarism check

Firstly, the editor checks plagiarism with the software recommended by the Higher Education Commission of Pakistan. Secondly, it is checked manually by the editorial team. If plagiarism is detected by the editorial / advisory board member, reviewer etc, at any stage of article process, the editor informs the same to the author and asks him/her to reconsider the content or to cite references from where the content has been taken.  The journal follow the acceptable limit of similarity index set by the Higher Education Commission of Pakistan.

Plagiarism detected after publishing

If the plagiarism detected manually and reported with proof after publishing, Journal of Urdu and Regional Languages conduct an investigation. In case of plagiarism found, the paper formally retracted. The editor write to the author’s institute and funding agencies about that and the paper containing the plagiarism is marked “ plagiarism detected after publishing” on each page of the PDF copy for a period of three months. Moreover, after three months, that paper removed from the website and author is banned forever in the Journal of Urdu and Regional Languages.

Plagiarism Undertaking

Author must declare that his/her work is original at the time of submission. For this, an undertaking form is given on the website, stating that author has not plagiarized any material and if found guilty he/she is solely responsible and the Journal reserve the right to take action against the author. The author require to submit that form duly signed and stamped at the time of manuscript submission. In case of multiple authors, the first author is bound to take the responsibility of the plagiarism and only he/she is required to submit the said undertaking.

Open access and copyright policy

The editor shares a common vision with Karakoram International University in providing unrestricted access to knowledge and education for all and thereby follows Open Access Policy to display its content. Journal of Urdu and Regional Languages follow open access copyright and licensing policy on the principle that making research freely available to the public.

The authors who published in journal of Urdu and Regional Languages are retain the copyright including publishing rights of their scholarly work and agree to let others remix tweak and build upon their work non-commercially. All other authors using the content of Journal of Urdu and Regional Languages require citing author’s and publisher in their work. Articles of this research journal can be read and shared for noncommercial purposes under the following conditions:

  1. Attribution must be given to the original source
  2. Works may not be used for commercial purposes.



Publication charges



It is clearly stated that the responsibility of the contents and the opinions expressed in Journal of Urdu and Regional Languages are exclusively of the author/authors concerned. The opinions/views/analysis/results presented in the research paper/article of this journal do not necessarily represent the opinion of the publisher/editor. So, the publisher/editorial board of the journal is not responsible for any consequences arising from the use of information contained in it.